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Feliz Cinco De Mayo!

We are in full force for the Wildcard 5k! We are not even close to our goal so it’s time to start signing up for the race or donating what you can to help the Hear Aid Foundation in their efforts to help people who are in need of hearing devices. They’re a great organization and we’re proud to be apart of this day of family fun. The great thing about this 5k is it’s later in the day, so it’s not a mad dash in the morning and everyone will be well rested. The course is all mapped out around the lake and it will be a great run with more fun to be had after the run/walk. Bring the family out with some food for a picnic afterwards, maybe some fishing poles if you feel like catching your food. We’ll have events for the whole family so if you’re not running, there will be other activities to join. Basically it’s going to be a great day so get on board!

If you would like to sponsor the Wildcard 5k, be a vendor, or help out you can contact us, and we’ll point you in the right direction. We have some other great stuff in the works, but I don’t want to take away from what’s important (Wildcard 5k), so we’ll hold off on announcing that until month.

This is gonna be a short & sweet update, so get out there and start forming your teams, gather some donations, and lets help some people hear!

- Rich

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